This will be a reoccurring feature of this blog. Every so often, likely a few times a week, I'll post a song that I just can't get out of my head alongside a small bit of commentary. I hope you like it. (And if you don't, well ... this is my blog, so neener neener :p)
"Breakthrough" by Big Wreck, found on The Pleasure and the Greed I know this song isn't the most somber of numbers, but when I was in Massachusetts in late June for my grandmother's funeral, I strangely couldn't get it out of my head. Death Cab for Cutie's "What Sarah Said" would've been terrifically appropriate as well, but there was just something about the way we handled her death that made the Big Wreck song charge to the forefront of my mind and stay there. She had struggled with post-stroke dementia and anterograde amnesia for more than a year; her passing was not unexpected and, in a strange sort of way, we were happy to see her suffering end. There was mourning, yes, but the noting of her passing was conducted as a celebration of her life that was rather than a dwelling on how the rest of our lives would continue to be (not that there's not a time and place for that).
The mood of the moment, coupled with the way she passed, just kept bringing this refrain to mind:
It's so much harder to float around / Than it is to hit the ground.
Ya gotta breakthrough.
Ain't that the truth. As a side note, this song features Myles Kennedy doing the backing vocals, who is now most famous for his work in Alter Bridge.
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